In the field of cooking and baking equipment, high demands are imposed with regard to usability. Many ILAG internal tests are performed under standardised conditions.
Tests regarding the durability of coatings / Abrasion test methods
In order to check a coating's wear resistance, various abrasion test methods are used.
The tests used most commonly today are the:
LGA test – Specific test methods specific by TÜV Rheinland Cologne/Germany
British Standard test – BS 7069:1988
Tests for adhesion to coatings / non-stick tests for cookware and electrical appliances
Non-stick tests are used to test the non-stick properties of cookware and coated electrical appliances.
Common tests for this are:
Egg test - BS 7069:1988
Pancake test - BS 7069:1988
Milk test - AFNOR NF D 21-511
Baking test - EN ISO 13834:2007, Annex C
Test for the assessment of stain resistance and cleanability
The cleanability of bakeware and ovenware is tested by performing various tests and thus, the non-stick properties are also evaluated. The easier the prepared foods can be removed or 'demoulded', the easier the cleaning.
Frequent tests for this are:
Roasting test for grill- and oven dishes - ILAG test procedure
Steak test - EN ISO 13834:2007, Annex D
Tests to prevent corrosion, bubbles or infiltration / corrosion and rinsing machine tests
Tomatoes, salt, vinegar and various spices are designated as aggressive foods that place considerable requirements on a coating. For household items, there are only a few standardised tests to test for blistering, infiltration or even to prevent detachment of the coating.
Common tests are for this:
Corrosion resistance:
French salt water test - AFNOR NF D 21-511
Rice-tomatoe test - DIN CEN/TS 12872.2
Dish washer test:
Basic dish washer test - 12875-2:2001
For further information, please contact the customer advisor for your region.