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* PFAS-free according to the ILAG claim means

The coating was tested on behalf of Industrielack AG at a renowned, independent test institute according to its suggestions and the ILAG PFAS-free measurement recommendation.
Based on the available test results and other supplier confirmations, the following assurance can be given for ILAG PFAS-free coatings.

ILAG confirmation PFAS non-usage

ILAG guarantees the non-usage of fluoropolymers or other organic fluorinated substances (PFAS according to OECD definition 2021) for its coatings advertised as PFAS-free.

In the form of the naturally occurring mineral MICA, proportions of food-grade inorganic fluorine compounds can be contained in principle.

Since PFAS are distributed worldwide and since not all downstream processes are under our control, it cannot be ruled out that PFAS traces could be detected in the final article due to possible contamination in the production, packaging and/or distribution process. Therefore, any liability in this regard must be excluded as a precation.

From the PFAS group of substances, ILAG has been using only the food-safe and hight-temperature-stable fluoropolymers for over 20 years. Due to our selection of raw materials and formulation control as a coating formulator, we are in a good position to assess the use of PFAS in our products. An analytical check for PFAS freedom can be carried out at a renowned independent test institute.

For further information, please contact the customer advisor for your region.

Ms Nicoline Cruse

Technical sales manager

Mr Marcel Zosso

Manager international retail

Mr Ricardo Pimenta


Mr Mike Maguire

Sales manager

Mr Koay Soo Meng

Sales Director

Mr Vit Matyás


Mr Andrew Reynolds

Manager international retail

Mr Pasquale Cocozza

Head of sales

Mr Ahmad Ghayad


Ms Nicoline Cruse

Technical sales manager

Mr Marcel Zosso

Manager international retail

Mr Manish Saxena


Ms Nicoline Cruse

Technical sales manager

Mr Marcel Zosso

Manager international retail

Mr Mike Maguire

Sales manager

Mr Pasquale Cocozza

Head of sales

Mr Gunnar Maiberg

Sales Director

Mr Andrew Reynolds

Manager international retail

Mr Pasquale Cocozza

Head of sales

Mr Roy Lai

Sales Director

Mr Marcel Zosso

Manager international retail

Mr Joan Peris

Head of sales

Mr Tae Hyun Yu


Ms Nicoline Cruse

Technical sales manager

Mr Marcel Zosso

Manager international retail

Mr Narawut Pungpiboon


Mr Pasquale Cocozza

Head of sales

Mr Murat Voigt


Mr Gunnar Maiberg

Sales Director

Mr Andrew Reynolds

Manager international retail

Mr Gunnar Maiberg

Sales Director

Mr Andrew Reynolds

Manager international retail

Mr Harry Chow


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