PFAS update July 2024
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS): Heading towards regulating PFAS
Welcome to the ILAG “PFAS” Newsletter! In this edition we would like to guide you through the current situation.
What is the current status?
The ECHA has initiated the scientific assessment process to the PFAS restriction dossier to achieve the goal of reducing PFAS as best as possible.
The assessment is sector specific starting with consumer mixtures, cosmetics and ski waxes.
What’s next?
Further assessments will cover metal coatings, textiles and food contact materials.
Once the scientific evaluation has been completed, the opinions will be adopted.
The European Commission will examine the opinion/restriction and implement it if necessary.
The aim is to minimize the use of PFAS.
When could a restriction come into effect?
Earliest in 2026.
Until then, companies will have to rethink their product selection and consider alternative solutions.
How can ILAG help you?
Contact your responsible sales person for an individual consultation and comprehensive presentation on the following topics:
- Current legal situation (EU/USA)
- Test scheme PFAS-free (Based on EU restriction proposal)
- How ILAG can support you
In addition to a comprehensive presentation, you can read the latest PFAS news on the ILAG web-Site: