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Face of a woman with neon make up in front of a dark blue background with neon highlights on it. Face of a woman with neon make up in front of a dark blue background with neon highlights on it.

ILAG World of Colors

Trend colors for baking tins and cookware: always new – always inspiring

The fascination of color

Colors are an expressive tool for creative storytelling in communication as well as an important design element. They help influence up to 85% of all product purchases. Therefore, we offer a comprehensive range of interior and exterior colors for bakeware and cookware to our customers. We use a dynamic color landscape, expanding the range every year. We always keep an eye on current trends and streams in design, fashion, and culture. 

Come with us on a journey of discovery and enjoy the inspiration!

In front of a heart shaped orange baking tin it is showed a color chart with orange shades